Porteus - TV Slideshow SIGN OS _ BYU ChemE - IT Support
Modified on: Mon, 3 Jan, 2022 at 2:28 PM
1. Install most recent Porteus Kiosk ISO from http://porteus-kiosk.org/download.html (http://porteus-kiosk.org/download.html)
- Use RUFUS and use DD mode when asked
2. Boot USB
3. Select the correct type of network you will use
1. Ethernet
- Then Select DHCP
2. Wifi
- Configure
4. Proxy settings
- Leave all alone and click next
5. Select Firefox
- Wait for it to download
6. Load Kiosk configuration from the network location
1. (https://cheme-www.groups.et.byu.net/s.txt)https://chemesign.groups.et.byu.net/s.txt(https://chemesign.groups.et.byu.net/s.txt)
2. Click next
7. No automatic updates
8. Select and format drive
1. quick formating
2. select boot drive
3. Install system
4. Proceed