Static IP address for a device _ BYU ChemE - IT Support
Modified on: Wed, 21 Jul, 2021 at 2:56 PM
1. Go to, then log in.
2. In the CMS tab, click MAD.
3. Search using the computer's MAC address to see whether or not the computer has already been entered into thesystem.
1. If the computer is not in the system skip to step 4
2. If the computer has already been entered in the system, then replace the name, remove its MAC address,and remove description/comments/etc., but do not remove the DHCP options or domain.
4. Change Address.
1. Find IP address for its current subnet/location.
1. CMD > ipconfig any computer in the room/area
2. Record/note the first three sets of numbers in IP
2. Search (in MAD) using the first three numbers of the IP address.
3. Click open placeholder name (testfac or testemp).
4. Replace name, MAC address (add MAC), and uncheck DHCP range, then check PXE. Optional: addlocation.
5. Click Commit Change.
6. In Additional DHCP options, replace "next-server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" with "next-server;".
7. Click Commit Change.
5. See if the IP changes.
1. If you are not in a hurry just do nothing and it will eventually change
2. If you need to have the new IP immediately. Wait 2-5min and:
1. Restart computer
2. open CMD
1. ipconfig /release
2. ipconfig /renew
3. Repeat every few min until new address if reported
4. Check MAD settings if it does not work after 15min